This site is getting to damn political
Before I begin, I voted purely on the skill I perceived with which this game was made. There's a lot of bugs in this, I'm not going to lie. The directions are vague, and the pot-shots at cooking mama weren't funny, all that original, and somewhat insulting. I didn't laugh, I didn't even smirk, I ended up rolling my eyes through most of this, and I can laugh with super-vegetarians that claim meat is murder.
Now, on the political side of this... I hate vegetarians. Why? Because I believe you're showing even less respect to these poor animals by not eating them. I do NOT in any way endorse cruelty to animals, and if I lived outside the city, I would grow my own chickens to make sure they lived a great life, and are slaughtered in the most humane way possible, because then they'd be like my family. Even though I hate chickens. Peck-y, angry little bastards.
I've seen what they do in the factories to these poor animals, and I despise them for it. I have also played a role in preventing pet-cruelty both when I see it in action, and have volunteered at pet shelters to find abandoned and abused animals a home in the aftermath. Every animal is as alive as you and I, and has the same rights to live as happily and as comfortably as you and I. I agree with you, something needs to be done to these factories to get them to stop what they're doing, its just wrong to take away these basic rights.
And for those that say "Fuck it, they're just animals, who cares?" Alright, you can take it that way too. If it were between an animal's life, and a human's life, most people who reach out to save the human, and I have no qualms with that. I'd do the same unless it was someone like Osama or Hitler.
But here's the thing: putting these animals in these abusive, inhumane situations are not just morally wrong: it puts the consumer at a higher risk of disease, exposes them to all sorts of weird ass conditions because of the drugs used on the animals, or the infections the animals receive when their mal-nourished, fragile bones snap. Avian bird flu and mad cow disease are great examples of this animal cruelty affecting human lives.
And, if you don't believe this is true, and just propaganda... I assure you; free range tastes better. They're stronger, healthier creatures, and if they eat better-- so do you when you eat them. My grandma lives on a farm, and their family used to eat their own livestock. Although, when their favorite cow, whom had become as close as a family dog to them, was taken to the butcher by my great grandfather, the poor cow was understandably left in the freezer for the father to finish off himself.
Anyway, back to the point... Meat is murder, yes. But piling the bodies into a landfill is not only pollution, but senseless murder.
Thank you for educating the public a little more on the atrocities of the meat factories, but FFS, PLEASE take action as well. Send a letter to your state rep, protest outside the factory, get people to sign a petition to propose a law against this cruelty, SOMETHING. Don't just sit there crying about it, the corporations don't care.